Life's a Beach

I firmly believe that the friends that stand by you while you are travelling and while you are in school are there to stay. My friend Ruth is no exception, we have been friends for awhile and she is one of the most beautiful people I know inside and out. We haven't been able to hang out as much this past year because I have been in school but today we got to! It was great! We went to the Binbrook conservation area and just laid on the "beach" - for about an hour, then it rained, which sucked. I got some semi decent I-pod pictures of the incoming rain.  We went back to her house and ate Pad Thai and watched Ellen. My favourite moments with friends are ones like those, just spending quality time with loved ones is always great. 

Ya, the weather was not promising 

Trying to beat the storm home

On another note, I got the amazing opportunity to play soccer with some friends this summer. This is exciting for a couple reasons. 

1. This is my first time playing again since my big knee injury, and it went really well, no injuries this season so thats great. 

2. We won our championship game tonight 5-1. 

It has been great playing with this team I have had so much fun, the summer season is broken into two mini seasons, during the first season we came in 7th place (there are 8 teams), so no one (not even our team) expected us to come out on top, I love underdog stories, I love BEING the underdog story. Anyways, we got a T-shirt - exciting - and as you can see I spilled something on it already (but are you really surprised?)

- Kim - 


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