
Showing posts from December, 2009


So there have been WAY too many road bumps in this China process, and this morning I hit another one. My contact in China (Maggie) sent me an e-mail telling me the chinese government denied my visa papers for whatever reason. I was completley heart broken, I have been mentally preparing myself for this school for well over a month now. I signed the contract, sent it ALL my papers and was pretty much told I had the job. The thing with my contact in China is it takes her forever to reply back to emails and this is causing more and more frustration because I just want things FINALIZED! I have since opened up another door for myself (yes since this morning). A good friend of mine is teaching in Indonesia, she LOVES it there and has encouraged me numerous times to consider coming there to teach instead of China. I sent her an email this morning asking her to send me more information, maybe China isn't supposed to be where I am going and thats why it is taking so long for this to happen.

What if I have to go to a Chinese Dentist?!?!?!

My anxiety and excitement are growing more and more every day that I get closer to February and my departure. My dad mentioned to me in passing the other day "It's weird to think that in a couple months you aren't going to be here." Until that moment I think I had imagined myself being in China, but everything being exactly the same. ...weird how your mind works sometimes. I am excited for the new adventure and I have been blessed with the ability to be thrown into anything and take it and make the best of it. But in past "adventures" I have been surrounded by people that I already know and have relationships with and we went through the experience together and through that experience we would create a unique bond. In saying that two things scare me: I am heading into Asia not knowing a SINGLE person... OK not true, Josh curnew a f riend from high school is also in china but is around 7 hours away from where I will be really? Not helpful. T