Photo Blog a phlog?

I know this is a little overdue seeing as we are well into January now, but life has been a tad crazy since school started (thats another blog post to come).

Anyways, I thought I would take you on a journey through photo's through 2010.

2010 was a fantastic year, one that is going to be hard to beat. I spent well over half of it on the other side of the world, and was great.

In January I was offered a teaching position in Indonesia!
(to read more about that click the link below)
January blog

- I also got a mac . . . 

I left everything familiar; family, friends, English, grilled cheese . . . and moved to Indonesia 

To read about my February in Indonesia click the link below

Just before my parents drove me to the airport. 

My second month in Indonesia. I got to pet a lion, raft down some rapids AND climb a volcano! 

To read about March in Indo click the link below

I wasn't kidding


On top of the world. Mount Bromo, Indonesia. 

I went to Bali for the first time and fell in love (with Bali . . . not a person) AND I got to surf for the first time EVER!

To read about surfing, and my love of Bali click the link below. 

Sinar Beach, Bali Indonesia. 

By the time May came around, life in Indonesia had become pretty routine, I think the worst of my homesickness was in May but I got over it pretty quickly. It was also in May that I found out I was most likely going to get kicked out of the country. 

May's blogs (click the link below) 

Kelsea (my amazing roommate) and I 

My grade 6 class. 

My last month in Indonesia. My planning stages for Australia BEGIN! Oh . . . and Kelsea and Tico GET MARRIED!! 

For June blogs click the link below 

Kelsea and Tico's Wedding

I have one word for July: AUSTRALIA!!!!!!! 

To read more about quite possibly the best month of my life click the link below

Good photo proof that I was there: Opera House and Harbour Bridge. 
(I missed Oprah by MONTHS ... MONTHS)

Home again which was a great/sad/weird feeling all mixed into one. 

To read about August click the link below

Canadian friends at Meg and Dan's AMAZING wedding. 

Nothing TOO exciting in September, just fell back into a routine of work and living back with my parents. Also increasingly getting nervous about my upcoming knee surgery. OH and no big deal - applied to school. 

For September blogs click the link below 

One last fall walk with my dog before crippledom 

Had knee surgery (which SUCKED) and turned 23. 
I didn't write any blogs for October due to being drugged out of my mind for most of it. I probably should have ... they would have been an entertaining read. 

I call this the photo strip of pain

November was an intense month, God and I went through some stuff - a lot of stuff, and came out amazing in the end of it all :) Oh and I got accepted to school! 

To read more about the month that was November click the link below

Sydney and I at the Early Years Centre

Went to Florida with the fam and got ready for school. Also worked more hours then is probably healthy.
To read about the last month of 2010 click the link below

Sunrise Ft. Myers Beach Florida 

And so ends my phlog. 


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