
Showing posts from November, 2010


What's this? Two blog posts in less than 24 hours? CRAZY! But I had to share this with the blogging world, because my mind is just BLOWN. A good friend of mine, after getting to know me over the last few years has suggested to me over and over again to read Captivating. So I bought it . . . then it sat on my bookshelf for 2 or more years collecting dust. Then A few months ago God put it on my heart to read. So I started reading it, and I got angry. Because it related to me in SO many ways, it was like the book was written to address me and things that I have struggled with. It scared me. So I stopped reading it. (I got to chapter 2) Today I started reading it again, and clearly God has been working on my heart since I put it down at Chapter 2 and started reading it again at Chapter 3. It's amazing. Simply amazing. I am just blown away at the things God is revealing to me what it is to be a true woman of God after HIS heart, not after any one else's. And the biggest thing I ...

A healthy dose of reality and confidence.

So school is coming up, soon . . . really soon. And don't get me wrong I am excited. Last week I had to go to take an "assessment for success" which is basically a test to see where I am at with my English and Math. (Aced the english, failed the math . . . shocking I know). Walking through the halls filled with peers brought an unexpected feeling of anxiety, I was instantly brought back to my first day of grade 9 which brought on the same feeling of anxiety. Have I really not grown in confidence in myself since I was 14? I would like to think that I am more confident in myself but the same mentality of "What if the other kids don't like me?" popped into my head . . . juvenile? Maybe. Immediately following the feeling of anxiety came a sense of peace, God confirming that it's ok, that He's got my back. There are going to be people in walks of life who don't like me, and as hard of a pill as that is to swallow, it's inevitable, and there are a...

Ch, Ch, Changes!!!

This is much more happy person emotionally writing this blog today vs lame old depressed Kim who wrote the last one. I really need to focus on the good and not the bad. Yes. Having knee surgery sucked. Yes. The recovery has been crappy being stuck at home. BUT My knee is fixed, I am no longer in constant pain and my knee cap stays where it should be. Also being home wasn't THAT bad, my mom is amazing and took really good care of me. I am glad God gave me the parents that He did. ALSO God has provided an amazing new church which is now in my heart as well as all the people with it. I now know what it is like to feel a part of a church family. OH AND I got accepted into school!!!!! I had gotten to the point where I convinced myself that I wasn't going to get in and that I was going to have to pay another 95$ to re-apply for September. I got the call on Friday and have be living in the acceptance high since - I am just hoping that, that high lasts for the next 4+ years. I am confi...

The shape of my heart.

It has been awhile since I blogged, not for a lack of time, just a lack of heart and motivation. Time is a funny thing, it dictates so much, to some it is meaningless and to some time is important. . . crucial even. I had my knee surgery last month and it went really well for the most part. Spending the night in the hospital was not the greatest, I didn't sleep well and to be honest I don't remember much of it, just enough that it sucked. The first week was the hardest, my surgeon wanted me to keep my leg elevated, but every time I moved I was in excruciating pain so I wasn't able to. During my post-op appointment they decided to drain excess fluid that had built up in my knee and as soon as they were done doing that I felt INSTANTLY better and it has all been uphill since then - physically. A week or so post-op As for emotionally - well, not so hot. I am a very active person, I love going out and being a part of things I HATE missing out on stuff. My birthday was the week...