Ch, Ch, Changes!!!

This is much more happy person emotionally writing this blog today vs lame old depressed Kim who wrote the last one.

I really need to focus on the good and not the bad.
Yes. Having knee surgery sucked.
Yes. The recovery has been crappy being stuck at home.

My knee is fixed, I am no longer in constant pain and my knee cap stays where it should be. Also being home wasn't THAT bad, my mom is amazing and took really good care of me. I am glad God gave me the parents that He did.

God has provided an amazing new church which is now in my heart as well as all the people with it. I now know what it is like to feel a part of a church family.

I got accepted into school!!!!! I had gotten to the point where I convinced myself that I wasn't going to get in and that I was going to have to pay another 95$ to re-apply for September.
I got the call on Friday and have be living in the acceptance high since - I am just hoping that, that high lasts for the next 4+ years. I am confident that this is the road God wants be to be pursuing.

So here's to the future, here's to seeing the positive, here's to being thankful for the amazing life that I have.

This tree is now naked, I wish it looked like this all year round.


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