A healthy dose of reality and confidence.

So school is coming up, soon . . . really soon. And don't get me wrong I am excited. Last week I had to go to take an "assessment for success" which is basically a test to see where I am at with my English and Math. (Aced the english, failed the math . . . shocking I know).
Walking through the halls filled with peers brought an unexpected feeling of anxiety, I was instantly brought back to my first day of grade 9 which brought on the same feeling of anxiety. Have I really not grown in confidence in myself since I was 14? I would like to think that I am more confident in myself but the same mentality of "What if the other kids don't like me?" popped into my head . . . juvenile?


Immediately following the feeling of anxiety came a sense of peace, God confirming that it's ok, that He's got my back. There are going to be people in walks of life who don't like me, and as hard of a pill as that is to swallow, it's inevitable, and there are a whole group of people who DO like me . . . those people are the ones that my energy is going to be poured into instead of wasting energy in trying to please unappeasable people.

So, yes, my confidence as a woman of God, as a woman who knows what she wants and will be working hard to achieve that has grown since I was 14 . . . thank goodness. Because really, who wants to relieve grade 9? NOT me.

<---- Grade 9 me.


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