The Best Day . . . Always

 I found this quote on Instagram today and I feel like it captures how I feel about us and this relationship so well. 

"Marry your best friend.
 Really, truly find the strongest, happiest friendship in the person you fall in love with. 
Someone who speaks highly of you. 
Someone you can laugh with. The kind of laughs that make your belly ache and your nose snort. The embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laughs.
Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them. 
Make sure they are someone who lets you cry too. 
Despair will come; find someone you want to be there with you through those times.
Most of all, marry the person who makes passion, love, and madness combine and course through you."


I feel like each day I find a deeper love for you, one small thing just makes me fall more and more into it. I thought love was scary and came with anxiety and fear of rejection. If this is love then I've never truly felt it before. You are my best friend, I loved going on tiny small adventures and having big life talks. I loved living in the present and dreaming about our future. 

I am so excited

I know we talk about "down the road" things a lot but I don't want to pass over the little steps either as just ... steps. I can't wait to celebrate the big things and the small things with you in the next coming days, weeks, months ... years.

Having you here this week was the best. I can't recall a time in my life when I've felt such consistent happiness, I can remember events, moments, flickers - but nothing like this. 

I am annoyingly in love with you, you are all I want to talk about, every tweet, Facebook status, Instagram post ... I want to make about you, I want to call all my friends and just talk about you. I hold it in and then blurt it out in these tiny blog posts. 

If you're reading this and you aren't Andrew....


But also, you're welcome - we are adorable. 

I'm not going to text you about this one, I want you to find it. Like a real surprise (I'm bad at them too) 


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