Here We Go Again

Tomorrow is June 1 which means I have a second chance at doing this photo a day thing - and this time I'm really going to try hard and take time out of each day to spend on it! I failed horribly at the last attempt, I think I made it through 6 or 7 days and meant to start again on the following months but by the time I realized it was a new month we were already half way through it.

So here we go!
1 - Morning
2 - Empty
3 - On your plate
4 - Close up
5 - Sign
6 - Hat
7 - Drink
8 - Six-O-Clock
9 - Your view today
10 - Best bit of your weekend
11 - Door
12 - From a low angle
13 - Art
14 - Time
15 - Yellow
16 - Out and About
17 - In your Bag
18 - Something we don't know about you
19 - Imperfect
20 - Fave photo you've ever taken
21 - Where you slept
22- From a high angle
23 - Movement
24 - On your mind
25 - Something cute
26 - Where you shop
27 - Bathroom
28 - On the shelf
29 - Soft
30 - A friend

Some of these are a little bit lame but I will try and do something creative with it!

I also found "Wreck This Journal" at Chapters - I carried it around the store with me for a bit debating whether or not to get it, obviously I decided to.
The point of the book according to the instructions written inside is to:
1. Carry this with you everywhere you go
2. Follow the instructions on every page
3. Order is not important
4. Instructions are open to interpretation
5. Experiment (work against your better judgement)

Basically each page asks you to do something totally random within the book - some of which are a bit destructive - for example one of the pages tells you to take the journal into the shower. I find such comfort in routine and order so I figured this would be a good experiment to do with this book, I treasure my own journals and try to keep them as neat and orderly as possible. So my plan is every time I do an entry in the journal I will photo document the shape that the book is in and allow you to journey along with me!

Wreck This Journal - Entry #0 (I haven't technically started yet)
*Disclaimer these pictures are horrible 

Tomorrow is a big day for me - I will write more about it in following blogs, this one is long enough already!


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