It's Been Awhile ... (I actually don't even like that song)

This is redundant, but my life is crazy busy school is almost over as the cliche goes "the end is in sight." It's in sight but there's still a pretty long tunnel between now and then, yet in three and a half weeks (eek) I will be done first year.

What the heck?!

Part of me feels like I haven't learned anything, but then I think back to september and I for sure didn't know that you had 5 precordial areas that need inspecting, palpating and auscultating. I also had never held a human heart or intestines - I guess I can check that off my bucket list. (Because you know, that was on there).





I'm excited, I've been in school for 14 months (it'll be 15 when I'm done) straight.

On to other things:
Made a pretty big decision last week - a bittersweet decision - one that I am still working through, but I feel great so that must be a good sign . . .


Anyways I'll end this vague post - my next one will probably happen in three weeks - it will be longer, more meaningful and maybe have pictures

- Kim


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