Single White Female - Resolutions and Revelations

Why when people hear that you are single they act like you just told them you have been diagnosed with a fatal disease?

"Oh, well thats ok"
"I'm sure someone will come along soon"
"There's someone for everyone"
"There are plenty of fish in the sea"
"I heard the online dating thing is working for a lot of people"

Heads up - I AM OK WITH BEING SINGLE! I'm not just saying that, I'm not looking for any one to say, "you know when you stop looking that's when it happens." I'm not looking for any of that. Not only am I ok with being single, I am at PEACE with it.

Quite a change of tune from the last post I wrote, I know. This is after about a month of serious prayer and self reflection - a process that at times was not easy, after a lot of scripture reading and moments of silence to just listen I had a conversation with God where I told/asked Him that if I am meant to be single that I want to feel fulfilled in that - I know that he has some pretty big plans set out for my life and if those don't include a significant other - well, I am pretty significant enough on my own. On the other hand, I asked God that if I am meant to be with someone that it happens on His time and His choosing - I am ok with that, I am willing to be patient and His judgement is better than mine.

So there's that.

And now here's this:

It's that time of year again where resolutions are made a friend of mine calls her's "experiments in truth" which is beautiful. Here are mine, a lot of thought went into these and a lot of hard work is going to go into ensuring I keep up with them.

1. Spend more time reading my Bible - Every time I spend time in the word I am enlightened and I feel refreshed, why I don't do it more often I don't know, I don't have a valid excuse. So my goal is to spend at LEAST half an hour before I go to bed in the word and in prayer. I love praying for my friends so if you have any requests for prayer please feel free to message them to me.

2. Spend MEANINGFUL time with my friends - My friends are So important to me and I am not sure that they always know that, this year I want to invest so much of myself into my friends. I want them to know that they are valid, beautiful, encouraging people in my life. I want to learn to be a better friend, be a better listener, be a friend who is there to laugh with you in times of joy and cry with you in times of sorrow.

3. DUN DUN DUNNNN - Lose weight - SHOCKER, I think this is on everyones list. Here we go, this is something I have struggled with for TOO long I have come to the point where this is FULLY my decision. I hate how insecure I am, I hate that I hate getting my picture taken, I hate that I did this to myself, I hate how I have let food control me - yes, control me. We talk about idols, food is one of those for me. This year I am taking a stand - food will no longer have a hold on me, this is MY time to get healthy for myself. I want to be able to leave my house and feel CONFIDENCE - it has been a long time since I have felt that. I want to feel beautiful on the inside and out. So my goal is to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year. It's a big goal and I am going to have to work really hard to achieve it. But for the first time ever it dosent feel like I am doing it for anyone else but myself - and that is going to be the key difference. I will blog a lot about it as it's going to be a battle some days. If any one is willing to be accountable to me - that would be great, I THRIVE under accountability - just message me!

4. Less complaining - I want to be a more positive person overall - it is easy to get stressed out over school and life and it is easier to complain then to praise. So instead of complaints I am going to praise - I am going to journal five good things - or more - that have happened in the day and focus on that

5. Work my hardest to achieve the best that I can in school and in my future career - that pretty much sums that one up!

Five - five small but big resolutions. Five promises I have made to myself, my friends and God.

2012 - lets make it a good one, shall we?


Rae... said…
Girl! Good on yeah.

I never replied awhile ago when you asked about the running program I used. Here it is.
I found it super easy - worked it up reaaaal slow (so slow that at times I was frustrated that I wasn't doing more, but never wanted to give up 'cause I felt overwhelmed).

Also, I read a great post on singleness recently that I thought I would pass on

I hope this year is great!
kimvoortman said…
Thanks Rachel! I will for sure look at that website - when I'm not in class haha. I am getting my gym membership today - and so it begins!

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