1 Week Down . . .

Well my first week of hardcore dieting has begun and though I haven't lost a record amount of weight I have already notice some changes. It's amazing how your body will thank you once you cut out the crap and replace it with what your body needs vs. what you want. My biggest thing is that there are going to be days that I slip up - the bigger thing is learning to not let one slip up ruin the whole diet but to get up, shake it off and try not to let it ruin this whole experience.

Yes, experience

It is a life changing both physical and emotional experience - one visible, one not so much. My jeans are truly representing my confidence because no one else is losing the weight - just me! It is something I am doing for ME!

Like I said, nothing momental diet wise to write about - I'll take a pic once  I drop 20lbs - maybe I should take one now and compare. Hmmmm....


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