
School is great, so great. It is actually the one place in my life right now where I am finding stability, no wait, I also find my stability at Eucharist . . . but other than that I am just feeling unsettled.

I thought that by 23 I would really "know" who I was, really have myself figured out, but then again, if I had myself figured out I think I would be boring . . . I know what direction I am headed and I am doing my best to go in that direction with confidence in my abilities and confidence in knowing that I have a lot to offer.


I am unsettled, I know that for the next four years I am not going to have the opportunity to just pack up and jump on a plane and head somewhere random. I am unsettled and having a hard time finding where I fit in, I feel like I am so many roles and it's hard to distinguish which one is priority.

I am a "mature" student (strictly because of my age)

I am a daughter

I am a support worker

I am a sister

I am an "aunt"

I am a friend

I am Kim

....just learning how to fill all these shoes, how to wear all these hats.



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