Book Your Own Face

My facebook is gone . . .

for many reasons

The main one being it is a MAJOR time suck and I really don't have hours to spend looking at all your lovely faces, liking your hilarious status and tagging you in embarrassing pictures.


I spend more time on FB then I do reading my Bible - there's a problem with that.

There are other reasons but those two are the big ones. I may re activate over Christmas holidays...

In the meantime I will post pictures and stuff on my blog, which will be updated ALWAYS now since I don't have FB distracting me!

Anyways, it's late - school is tiring - and I am starting to believe that my psychology course is ACTUALLY a psych experiment which involves stressing out your students by not teaching - but basically shooting a video of your voice and stupid graphics and then making them do a ridiculously difficult quiz based off of above mentioned stupid videos. That was my evening . . .

I'm leaving you with this awesome video - my friend Andrew makes a ton of hilarious videos and currently this one is my favourite, due to my love of zombies.


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