Summer Monday

The weekends seem to come faster now that I am out of school but I enjoy them a lot more because they are no longer viewed as catch up on homework days and are now spent cleaning, napping, reading, watching movies, hanging out with friends, biking and whatever else I want to do since I don't have school. 

I know that I have been out of school for just over a week now and I am fully aware that I only have one more week left until the education vortex begins again. 

On Saturday we got to celebrate Amaris' second birthday. I don't think I have ever mentioned how much I love the Williams family. They are great. They have adopted two amazing children who are such a blessing in my life. The party involved a lot of bee's, candy and sun. I would upload the pictures but my camera went through an unfortunate experience today (more on that in a minute). 

Sunday I came home from work at 730am and decided to go back to bed, because, well it was Sunday and my church doesn't start until 3:30 ( I know - great!) I really didn't feel like doing anything on Sunday - so I didn't. I enjoyed sabbath and lived up to that word to the full extent. 

I was reminded again on Sunday to really look beyond myself and into the heart of the needs that are in Hamilton. At times it seems overwhelming and it would be easy to just say that there isn't anything I can do and just put it off. 


I can't do that, and I know that something as simple as a conversation can make a huge difference, and not in the lives of people who need the conversation but in my own life. I don't have a lot of money that I can just hand out but I know that time is more valuable then money in helping someone find their worth. How many of you feel better after you are having a crappy day and someone asks you how you are and actually MEANS it? I don't want people to think that I am being high and mighty, I don't want people to think that I view myself as some saint because I have spent ten minutes talking to someone who lives on the street. Like I said, I often find myself leaving situations like that changed. 

Moving on, 

Today was great, today truly felt like SUMMER, today I threw out all my original plans and just had fun. My cousins were staying at my grandmas and I have promised my one cousin Tyler a million times that I was going to play dutch blitz. So Tim and I (and deja) headed over. We played blitz for  a bit and then on a whim decided to go fishing. I HATE fishing, but fishing with a 17 year old, 13 year old and 11 year old is entertaining, especially when Tim decided to be "one with the fish" and jumped in the nasty pond. I took my camera and, this is where the story gets sad, dropped it in the mud so its ruined. I am sad. BUT I found the EXACT same one on Kijiji, so, it will be like it never happened. 

this is long
and I am rambling



The End

- Kim 


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