New Chapter

There have been many "new chapters" in my life and on September 8 another one begins. I begin my four year journey at McMaster university, I have waves of reality every once in awhile but it still doesn't feel real to me. I only finished pre-health on Friday so my main focus has been on that and I now have two weeks to figure out class schedules, parking passes, books, welcome week, school supplies and all that other fun (expensive) stuff  involved with back to school. I bought scrubs today ( my first pair) and I probably got more excited than one should over clothing (VERY comfortable clothing) that will most likely be puked or pooped on - or whatever other bodily fluid I come in to contact with, I think it was exciting because it's just another step and I looked really good in them :)

My one year anniversary of being home came and went in August. I can't believe that I have been home from Asia for a year (over a year now) and what a year it has been  I feel like a completely different person then the one who walked off the plane last year, a different, better person. God has really gotten ahold of me this year and I have finally listened and just focused in on what HIS plan is for my life, it has been a roller coaster of a year filled with a breakup, knee surgery, acceptance into school, finding a new church and a million other little things. I look back now and all I feel is blessed, blessed and incredibly loved by God. There are still things I am working through, insecurities I am still battling, anxiety that still keeps me up at night and past hurts that seem to creep up at the most in opportune times - but I am learning to give it up to God.

I am going to try and post a blog every day, wether it is just a quick blurb about my day or a long ranting post about whatever (I like those). I have recently been introduced to stumbleupon and it is my new obsession I have already so many craft and baking ideas (like I'm going to have ANY time to do ANY of these types of things), but I will most likely post a lot of that on here as well.

- Kim -


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