Friday, Friends and Food

I love Friday, I love food, and I love my friends.

Today (Friday) included food and friends.

I got to sleep in today which was GLORIOUS. I am finding that since I am not in school right now I don't have the motivation to get things done and things NEED to get done - so today ends my "lazy" streak and  my long list of things to do will be accomplished by this time next week.

I eventually showered and then headed downtown to meet my friend Meagan with whom I walked to the market with so we could buy some fresh veggies for dinner.

I LOVE THE MARKET!!! I love the energy, the smells, the interesting people and just the buzz of the whole place, this was my first time going to the central market and it for sure won't be my last. I think eating organic and eating local are so important and it concerns me how rare it is these days to eat food that has been grown in dirt without the aid of chemicals. I am going to try and make a better effort to eat mostly organic/local food and today just sparked that within me even more.

Making dinner with friends does not seem like such a chore as it does when you are alone, I love the small moments of conversation, the long moments of laughter, and just the joy that is felt being surrounded by people that mean a lot to you. And there is something to be said about eating a meal together.

All in all today was good, it was a slow progression to awesome.

This blog is a bit scattered, but my mind is at rest and my heart as well as my stomach are full.

Blessed.  So blessed.

- Kim -


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