I think I am part fish.

Last week I had the opportunity to go white water rafting, it was an AMAZING experience and I really enjoyed it, the best day I have had since I got here. I like breaking out of routine and doing something I have never done before. We had to leave Surabaya at 5 in the AM which is rough but so worth it. We arrived in Probolingo around 8am and headed down to the river at 9am. While we were hiking down the river I attempted to hit my roommate in the butt with my oar, unfortunately I stopped paying attention to where I was walking and fell in a hole. . . karma I guess. We went rafting for around 3 hours the rapids where great because it is rainy season. When we were done rafting we went cliff jumping and then headed back home. I uh became friends with our rafting guide he came down to Surabaya last weekend to visit and we had a lot of fun. He doesn't speak a lot of English and I don't speak a lot of Indonesian but we both know enough to get by. Thats all I am going to say about that for now.


This past weekend one of my friends had a pool party and we had a really great time, I spent the whole night in the pool just swimming, I was pretty much a prune. Anyways our friend Jeff's parents are LOADED they export wood or something in Indonesia. So at this pool party he had a chef which made us shrimp cocktails, salmon bread and steak. Sometimes it's hard to get my head around the fact that I live in a third world country.

I am meeting more and more locals who are a lot of fun, I am forming some pretty incredible friendships here and the more time I spend with them the more of the language I am learning.

This week is prep week, we don't have classes as we are getting ready for our next term. I was sick yesterday after having an allergic reaction to something. I went to the doctors last night and got a needle in the ass and all is well now! Anyways I show up to work today and my bosses have not made my schedule, so I get to sit here for 8 hours and do absolutely nothing, I am a little bit frustrated as we were supposed to have our schedules LAST week. Everyone else got their's yesterday so they get to get things done. Indonesian work ethic is so different from what it is like at home and it is becoming more and more frustrating to deal with.

Do you ever have it where you are sitting in church and you think the pastor is talking directly to you? Well I had that this past Sunday and it's actually quite scary. I always pray that God makes himself more clear to me as I feel I get distracted by so many of the "worldly" desires on a daily basis, and then when he does it freaks me out. I feel as Christians we always view the commandments as a pain the butt sometimes because the way of the world seems so much better, the pastor mentioned that the commandments weren't put in place by God to be a burden, but if we are living the way God wants us to that they are a breeze and we enjoy following them because it will bring us from this point in our life all the way through eternity. Switchfoot has a lyric that states "Every day is a new chance for redemption." and I fully agree with this. Everyday is a chance to move on and improve from our old "yesterday" selfs.

Anyways thats my rant for this past week, I know this isn't as long as my other ones I figured you all needed a break from my rambling!!

Love from Indo


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