I'm definitely not in Lynden anymore

Well I have been here for a week. In some ways it feels as though I have been here forever but in other ways it doesn't

Things have been going really well the transition has gone very smoothly. I have had moments of homesickness but nothing too severe yet. My roommates are awesome, I knew Ellie from Hamilton but didn't meet kelsea until I arrived here but we have hit it off and get along really well. I also have met Karrie who works at another ESL school in Indonesia she is also a great person and we have hit it off as well.

I started working this week, mostly training which was pretty boring I had to sit and do nothing during prep time because I have nothing to prep. Sitting in on the classes was more interesting. My hours are Monday - Friday 10-7 I don't usually start teaching until 3:00 as the kids go to their "normal" school during the day then come to Efex after that. Some kids start school at 6:45AM and then don't get out of my class until 7pm...thats twelve hours of school. Education is very important in Indonesia. The kids will have their basic school (Geography, math etc) then either come to Efex or have their Chinese language school then usually after that go to piano or some sort of musical lesson.

There are two branches of the school Efex East and Efex central. I work between both the schools. Efex East is right across the street from my house so that's nice and convenient I am there on Monday's and Wednesdays teaching basic Phonics (which ranges in age) as well as a grade 8 ESL class. Then on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday I am at Efex Central which is about a 20 minute commute, without traffic it would probably only take 10 minutes. I teach grade 5b, 5d and a writing class. The way the grades work here is their grade and then their reading level so grade 5a is grade 5 basic and grade 5d is grade five advanced english. My writing class is awesome because it's not something that is graded it's just a workshop where kids can sign up and improve their writing skills. I am very excited to teach this because there isn't the pressure for the kids to pass and they WANT to be there, I basically get to chose the days activities without the restrictions of a curriculum.

I am still adjusting to the fact that I get stared at everywhere. You get two reactions when people realize you have caught them staring. A. The quick look away or the B. The glare and smile that says "Im not racist welcome to Indonesia!"
I am also adjusting to the language barrier, it isn't TOO bad but sometimes it gets really frustrating, especially in situations where I want food. I have pretty much tuned out all outside conversation because it becomes a little bit overwhelming.

The church I attend is amazing it is very similar style to the church that I attended back at home. My first day there I was asked if I would play keyboard in the worship band (which I gladly agreed too) as well as help out in Sunday school. Everyone there is super welcoming and it's an English speaking church. I feel most at "home" there.
They are actually planning to go to Israel in September and since our bosses attend the church they said if we wanted to go they will give us the 10 days off. I am really hoping that it works out because I think that it would be an amazing experience.

This weekend is Chinese new years (which is a HUGE deal) it falls on the 14th which is today. It has been an awesome experience to be apart of the celebrations. The kids in my classes where talking about it a lot. One thing that is really notable about the Chinese is their love and dedication to their families. Since my family isn't here I was invited to go with my bosses to their family celebration, it was really special and I am glad I got to be a part of it. I ate a few interesting things but mostly stuck with rice because it is familiar. At the end of the evening it is tradition that the children receive ang pow. Which are red envelopes with money inside.
Chinese new years is an especially big deal here in Indonesia because from around 1961 - 2003 the Chinese were banned from speaking and teaching their native language and practicing their ways.

I also lied in my last post, I thought I could beat jet lag...not so much. By 7:00pm I am exhausted thankfully thats when I am done teaching. And I wake up at 5:30am every day on the dot. I am trying to push my bed time further and further back hoping that I will sleep in...no such luck so far.

There is so much more happening and it's hard to put it all into a blog I think I am going to have to try and update more than once a week. Have a safe and prosperous year 2561 year of the Tiger!!!

<----- Red lanterns in Galaxy mall in preparation for Chinese New Years

If you want to see more pictures I updated the rest to my facebook, it takes way too long to get them all on here. If we aren't friends already add me!!

Love from Indo


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