I just googled "good blog titles" and only came up with this.

As you can probably figure out by my oh so interesting title nothing really exciting happened this week.

The government in Surabya will "randomly" cut out the power to certain parts of the city during rain storms where there is a lot of flooding in order to prevent people from being electrocuted. Well our power was cut three times in the last week and one time it wasn't even raining. It gets a little frustrating because when we don't have electricity we don't have AC, our house is an instant oven, and of course the power isn't cut during the day when you are at work it is cut at night when you want to sleep but can't because its too stinking hot.

Friday was a holiday so I got the opportunity to go to Taman Safari which is a little ways outside of Surabaya and it was so much fun. It is WAY better than the African Lion Safari. I got to hold orangutangs, pet two tigers and a lion as well as make friends with a zebra. The safari is up in the mountains so it's gorgeous. One funny thing is while we were driving through the safari we would be stopped looking at bears or something and then a car would pull up beside me and I look turn to look and everyone in the car would be staring at me! It cracked me up every time (because it happened more than once).

Classes are all going well the kids are already ahead of schedule on some of the courses so we get to do more "fun" activities. Rubix Cubes are a big thing here every single kid has one and they are always playing with them during class, which gets very annoying when you are trying to teach gerunds and infinitives. So on tuesday we had finished everything so I let the kids have a Rubix Cube competition. It is ridiculous how quickly they can get through it, they tried teaching me but I am a lost cause.

Sorry there isn't more to report in the next little while I am going rafting as well as deep sea fishing (not at the same time) so I will have some more exciting entires coming up, hopefully with more creative titles.

Love from Indo


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