Things that end in CL, Ryan Seacrest and more

My knee saga continues!! I finally have some answers not great answers or anything I wanted to hear but answers non the less. I got in to see my Orthopedic surgeon a good three months earlier than originally scheduled because I called them every day to see if there were any cancellations :) I'm pretty sure they saw me just to shut me up! Anyways he saw me and I found out that I have a grade three MCL tear. The MCL is the ligament that runs beside the knee cap holding it in place so those times where my knee would go out and I would be in pain for hours are when my knee cap slipped through the tear in my MCL ligament. Gruesome right? Wait it gets worse... I went to physio last week and the physio therapist assuming that my MCL was only torn did this thing where he put a seatbelt over his shoulder and then around my knee and lifted my knee with his body weight all of a sudden my knee made a popping sound (GROSS) and he went "OH no!" (NOT something you want to hear in the middle of a physio session) apparently after he put my knee cap back in place he investigated and my ACL is torn as well...OH and the thing I had knee surgery originally for three years ago is messed up again (a tear in my Meniscus). So my tab currently on my knee is a torn MCL, a torn ACL and a torn meniscus. Go big or go home I guess. So I will need surgery UPON my arrivle home from China in 2010.

Ryan Seacrest....I like the guy as an american idol host I like him alot more than Ben whats his face from Canadien idol. The one thing that frustrates me about Ryan is this: He does a radio broadcast everyonce in awhile I think once a week and he does the top forty count down. WHAT IS WITH THE FIVE PEOPLE IN STUDIO THAT LAUGH AT HIS STUPID JOKES!!! and the thing is when they laugh it sounds SO forced its ridiculous and drives me nuts listen for it next time you hear his broadcast.

Other than that things are chill Im in deseperate need for money (who isn't now a days) but its frustrating...I hate you economy


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