Scubadrew82, This One’s For You
For some people love is a fairytale full of butterflies and confirmation that this is your person. For me, love causes a lot of anxiety and fear that you’re going to show yourself to someone and they are going to reject that. So when I met you I was so afraid to let you know how I really felt, convinced myself that sticking to our routine was going to keep you here and having you in a capacity even if we didn’t share our dreams for our future, it was going to be ok. I was so , so wrong. I’m sorry we didn’t do this sooner that I didn’t open myself up to you. Sometimes I think “fuck, too little too late” but then I also think “better late then never” because as of today we both still have time which is such a gift. Time to navigate this new vulnerability and care we’ve discovered for each other. This thinking of rejection made me selfish, I should have told you when I applied for the job, when I had the interview, when I got it. We could have talked about doing this toge...